Burn the Box! A Diet Coke Story

Food programs and thought work can strip away the bullshit reasons we give ourselves for eating and drinking the things we do. So do the food programs, do the thought work but let it bring you to consciousness. See the box, feel the box… then burn it!

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Open Hands. Open Heart.

I believe that for two emotionally healthy people, love and integrity are enough.  I believe those two things can bridge idealogical differences, extended family problems, money issues, illness.  Because two emotionally healthy people will own their own shit.  They will have the strength to be honest even when it is painful, motivated by a deep…

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Shutting off the voice in my head

I’ve just experienced an incredible week of quiet in my head.  I want to describe it so it can be documented in case it NEVER happens again.  I think I arrived at the quiet simply because I got so tired of listening to the argument between two versions of myself, that one or both sides…

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