Week 5: Recovering a Sense of Possibility

Welcome to Week 5! By this point, the novelty of the book and process has worn off. You may have hit a rhythm with the morning pages. You may still be struggling to make the artist date happen. You may have learned somethings about your internal narrative around life and your desires. But by this…

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I See Light Because I See Shadow

I cannot imagine a God, who created this world, filled with so much diversity, so much light and so much in the deep, to have meant for us to skim the surface, not when the landscape of human experience is so vast and rich. So this is a reminder, as much for me as anyone, do not neglect the shadow.

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Week 4: Recovering a Sense of Integrity

“If you want to work on your art, work on your life.” Chekhov Today marks the start of Week 4 in The Artist’s Way, and this chapter is full of goodness. There are ways to sort of mark your progress in this first month and some wedges to push the door open just a hair…

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May Day and MAYDAY!

I find that life keeps teaching me about these paradoxes—two things that shouldn’t go together but certainly do. Two things that should contradict each other, but both are true. It’s as if life keeps saying to me Yes, AND….

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New wine must go in new bottles

I know that if I stay open, when whatever it is that is meant to come my way, finally makes its appearance, I will be open to it. I’m not sure if it will give me the testimony of Christ as I’ve pictured it or as I’ve experienced it before. I suspect it might be something completely new.

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Our Lady of Chains

In December, after hearing Cheryl Strayed speak at UCLA, I considered what might feel like prayer for me (See Walking is a Prayer).  The piano came strongly into my consciousness.  I took lessons from age 8-15.  I have always felt that I should be MORE accomplished with the piano than I am so when I…

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Light and shadow

When I was in Hawaii last week, I visited Painted Church or, more properly, St. Benedict’s Catholic Church.  It’s a scenic, little-white-church tucked away in the greenery south of Kona and worth a quick stop.  The church is famous for the murals covering the walls and ceiling, painted by Father John Velghe, an untrained folk…

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Open Hands. Open Heart.

I believe that for two emotionally healthy people, love and integrity are enough.  I believe those two things can bridge idealogical differences, extended family problems, money issues, illness.  Because two emotionally healthy people will own their own shit.  They will have the strength to be honest even when it is painful, motivated by a deep…

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Day Five: Swimming in that soul river

I am up with the sun at 7am.  Cass and I have planned to snorkel the Captain Cook Monument today.  With optimism, we attach a couple of other potential plans on the back end of that so we rush around and load all the needed equipment, provisions and clothing into a laundry basket to haul…

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Day 2: I move mountains

Last night, I arrived back to my guest suite at 7:30pm.  I took a shower.  I really needed it.  My legs were caked with mud in spots.  My hair hadn’t been washed for four days and was stiff from the salt water.  I was exhausted but it was the best kind of tired—the physical tired…

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